I'm Elina
A Certified Breathwork Therapist and Laughter Yoga Teacher
You deserve to be focused, healthy and inspired in joy !
My Approach
Your life is meant to be simple, joyful and meaningful and so is your therapy!
I am dedicated to your experience with me in improving the quality of your personal and professional life.
I deliver to you my expertise in proven traditional healing methods with a joyful modern twist!
We all need healthy encouragement to develop a fuller, more profound, and pronounced relationship with all aspects of life.
Through my classes, trainings, workshops, retreats and one-on- one sessions, I have been creating awareness throughout the island and abroad, about the benefits of Therapeutic Laughter, Breathwork Therapy, Spiritual/Personal Development and Healing.
About Elina
I’m a Holistic Therapist based in Nicosia, Cyprus and was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. I completed my training in Rebirthing- Breathwork (Conscious Breathing Therapy) with the founder Leonard Orr in Spain, as well as my training as an Internationally Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher by founder Dr. Madan Kataria in India.
As a Creative Psychology Therapist as well as certified in Access Consciousness and Intuitive Energy Healing, my holistic approach is to balance all the different aspects of a person, so not only to treat their symptoms but the root cause of their pain while inspiring them in accessing their own healing wisdom and self-awareness.
Elina is inspiring, energetic, positive, encouraging, open and very knowledgeable in her field – I highly recommend The Personal Lie Workshop and have every belief that it will be as beneficial to others as it was to me.

The sessions worked primarily on a spiritual and emotional level for me, making me more calm and secure than I was before. However, there were also specific physical benefits. For example, I noticed that I have had less stiffness in my neck and fewer headaches since the Rebirthing sessions. In addition, I noticed that almost immediately after my first session, my body detoxified itself. I appreciated the physical benefits of the detoxification. I also very much appreciated the discussions with Elina following the sessions to help me understand the experiences that I had during the session. Now, when I feel I need it, I do some breathing exercises and it seems to have an almost immediate positive impact upon me, calming me and releasing toxins from my body.
I recommend Rebirthing, as it seems to have given me results that are fairly general (relaxation and calm) and specific (detoxification) and all of the results are positive.